Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Keeping your Sanity....Musically .....

Hey guys,

So with all the things going on in my own life I decided to focus this month’s topic on mental wellness and stress relief. In working on ourselves it’s of the utmost importance that we keep our physical form in the best shape possible.  I myself however am truly guilty of neglecting other parts of my being that are instrumental to my sanctity. When life hands you lemons it’s easy to say make lemonade, but how often are we inclined to actually make good out of the bad we experience. Often times it’s easier to manifest those feelings into something negative like drinking too much, self-medicating, over eating, and neglecting ourselves.

     This week going through my own tumultuous endeavors I was given the opportunity to listen to an unreleased album entitled T.W.O (This Woman’s Opposition) by a phenomenal Grammy award winning singer /songwriter and all around artist who calls himself EVRYWHR.  At first I was a bit reluctant to review the album especially since this is far from my forte’. I was moved however by the clear and eloquent use of life’s everyday struggles reflected solely through song. As an artist you are supposed to provide the public with an image (literal of figurative) that speaks to the world in a multitude ways.

This dude right here definitely surpasses that expectation.  He is the perfect mix of soul, spoken word and r & b but provides an edge with those thought provoking lyrics that we have come to love and respect  from the likes of Mr. Ocean and the Weeknd.  Knowing how much I value those men as artist I can say whole heartedly that this young man is well on his way to join them in paving the way for this spirit revival movement that these artist are regulating. He definitely can’t be grouped in any particular genre, and his lyrics speak to the trite irreverent relationship nuances that we all experience on a daily basis.

From finding love or like, to great sex, to actual relationships and the journey through all the expectations, misconceptions, misunderstandings, and disagreements that come about as two people are thrown together to co-exist, EVRYWHR intellectually catapults you into his own life story.  If you can’t already tell I’m in LOVE with the album and I can’t wait to purchase his debut as soon as it drops on ITunes (July 2nd). I thought it was lyrical perfection and it helped me relax and take my mind off my own trials and tribulations.  There is no doubt in my mind EVRYWHR will be the name on EVERYONE’S lips after the album’s official release

Personally music (along with writing) is how I tend to escape from the daily hustle and bustle that we all fall victim to. It allows me some individual time to think, meditate and reflect.  That mental escape can often times, be equally as important as our daily run or trips to the gym. So while all of you are dedicated to building a better you, please ensure that you are doing so physically, mentally and spiritually. Your body may be a temple but your heart and soul are vital components to the stability of that temple, they are in essence the foundation.  So tune into to something fly like EVRYWHR’S album T.W.O (available officially July 2nd on ITunes) or whatever moves your spirit, and tune up your mental and physical selves to be the BEST you ever! Until next time my loves …Beauty, Lace and a Slimmer Waist.

Once again here’s the link to the T.W.O. album, please support our up and coming:

Album on iTunes

And here is the link for the music video for the lead single off the album called “Fatal Attraction”:



Got a comment or a question?  Leave it here or hit me up:

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