Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The “Mental” Weight Loss Debacle

Hey guys! So this week’s topic came from conversations with friends and family regarding the actual process of weight loss and how society tends to play “mind games” geared towards convincing us that losing weight and sustaining it is easy. Case in point the recent “Biggest Loser” winners.  Or the extreme weight loss makeover edition candidates, or how about your favorite actress, actor or performer? They make this shit look easy don’t they?   The selling point is that at the end of their runs their bodies look so freaking incredible that they inspire the laziest of us to rise to the occasion, hop on the nearest treadmill, sweat, pant and starve until our bodies are too sore to actively participate. Is it healthy? Probably not, but it is done every day without hesitation on the quest to become healthy or to simply drop a few unwanted pounds.  

Let’s break down these scenarios and get to the root of why all the above stated “players” succeed at this weight loss game and make you look like the couch potato that you aren’t. First and foremost the routines that are given to the people on these “amazing” weight loss shows are UNREALISTIC. They work out between 8 and 10 hours a day to drop those 100’s of pounds, and, they are in a place where temptation is NOT a part of daily life.

 They don't have friends or family around to tempt them or to cook for. Fast food joints and quick fixes are not at their disposal and they are around others like themselves for months at a time in order to accomplish the same goal. In addition they have personal trainers at their beck and call all day every day.  They also learn how to prepare meals that are healthier options then they’ve previously experienced. Finally (the part that most may not realize) before partaking in their big reveals they have plastic surgery to tighten the loose skin that hangs from their arms, legs and stomachs so that we (the general public) are convinced that “normal” diet and exercise can warrant that kind of perfection after losing 100 plus pounds.  Nothing about what happens on our television screens is normal. Thus the game begins.

With our superstars it’s slightly different. Depending on the kind of star we’re discussing their schedule can allow them ample time to work out on a daily basis. Again we’re talking anywhere between 2 and 6 hours here people. In addition if they dance or use choreography they may spend an additional 3 to 4 hours working those sweet spots.  They also have lots of tools you DON’T have to get them through everyday life: black cards, chefs, trainers, nannies, maids, stylist, and make-up artist that assist them in getting into tip top shape for roles and or performances.

These things definitely contribute to the weight loss mind game that many of us play with ourselves on a daily basis. We figure “if they can do it, why can’t I?” The answer is simple you CAN, however your journey might be a tad bit different. Without the luxuries of a maid and a chef real life sometimes has a way of kicking your ass. For some of us between working, cooking, cleaning, being parents, wives, husbands, and friends it becomes hard to make time for oneself.  My advice, do what you love, whether it be an hour on a treadmill or my personal favorite dancing.  Just do it! Get up get out and get to it. Trust and believe just because I’ve had surgery doesn’t mean my journey stops,  in fact it means that I have to work even harder to ensure that my fat evil twin NEVER resurfaces. Bring a friend, bring your boo or the whole family! Take a class, learn a sport just get your big butts up and get to it. Stop playing that weight loss mind game and create your own victory. I believe in you….. Beauty, lace and a slimmer waist J

Got a comment or a question?  Leave it here or hit me up:

Thursday, March 7, 2013

You Cheated!! You Took The Easy Way Out! Easy For Who?

        So as I approached my rebirth day (or my surgery anniversary) I was going over the many issues I came across with how others viewed my decision to have surgery. Despite being blessed with a wonderful  group of friends, family and co-workers who provided nothing but positive remarks about my decision I was met with the naysayers and haters who were intent on making me feel remiss about my decision. I had quite a few people remark as to how I was choosing the easy way out, or suggesting that maybe I should try other options.

Those who knew me best knew the roller-coaster of diet mania that I was a privy too since I was a child (we’re talking like ten years old folks). Weight watchers (I watched it go down, and right back up) Jenny Craig (Jenny Comedy-cause I didn’t drop a pound) grapefruit diets, the soup diet, the cayenne pepper concoction that makes you see stars because you aren’t getting any food but you’re convinced that it’ll be worth it? Yea those were just a few, not to mention the pills popped, the frozen (disgusting meals) labeled in your grocer’s freezer as “lean” or any part of “cuisine”. I tried it all people! Not to mention all the pills popped, the supplements taken, the calories counted, and the endless exercise videos purchased only to eventually collect dust in the corner of my workout area.  Despite not getting anywhere with these methods I had still had the freedom to decide what I wanted to do with my body. If I worked hard all week and wanted a cookie (or 5) on the weekend then I could do so. If I wanted to reward myself with a greasy hamburger from the local hamburger stand I could do that too!  On the contrary AFTER surgery none of that was feasible. 

      I keep in mind that anyone who remarks that going through this process is EASY has never experienced dumping syndrome (your body’s way of telling you “I DON’T LIKE IT, GET IT OUT OF ME!). Nor have they experienced the pleasure of your whole entire pallet for food consumption completely changing, in other words now you eat it, now you don’t! In addition they have never experienced a blockage the immensely painful feeling you get when a piece of food (usually in my case chicken which I love) gets stuck in your opening and forces its way back out.  Sound easy to you? Trust me it isn’t and anytime I’ve experienced anyone of these things, my recovery has taken anywhere from thirty minutes to an hour. I guess “easy” is in the eye of the beholder right?

        For me my decision was more about longevity, sustainability, and changing my life and less about vanity or ease. It was taking my life into my own hands and deciding whether or not having this surgery (which could have killed me) was worth the risk of not getting up off that table. It was a decision, a commitment to ensure that I never returned to my 300lb uncomfortable, obese frame and I live with the regrets and benefits of my decision daily. I remember my first few weeks of recovery questioning myself and my decision. Wondering why I chose to put myself through all that pain just to make a difference. With every horrible protein shake I consumed I thought to myself “bitch you could have been eating chili cheese pastrami fries right now”! I say all that to say that I wouldn’t be the person I am today if I hadn’t made that decision. Who knows, I might have continued down the path to diabetes or something worse. I might have continued to be outwardly comfortable with my weight while inwardly struggling with my body image. I might have continued to be trapped in a life that was far from living.

          Despite having restrictions, I wouldn’t change my decision for the world for one simple reason, because it was MY decision. I did it for me, not friends, family, attention, or praise. I did it because it was time for me to take control of my body, my habits and MY LIFE! Truth is I couldn’t be happier. What about you?  Are you unhappy in your skin? Did you make a decision, but you’re struggling with your results? Are you contemplating making a change in your life, but scared of what other’s may think, do, or say?  Why? Feel free to comment, email, or share!  Until next week my sisters! Beauty, Lace, and a Slimmer Waist J
