Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Hey you! Back Away From The Table And Put The Fork Down!

    Hey guys long time no blog right? I sincerely apologize but my life and the events of 2013 have been unreal. Still overcoming obstacles but I couldn’t leave you all hanging. So here’s the tee, lately I’ve been getting inquiries and questions regarding how I stay on the “weight loss kick” more specifically what I eat. It’s no secret if you are my Facebook or Instagram that I LOVE food and when it comes to what I eat I don’t like bland, boring, or dry. Despite going through the surgery I’m also not a real fan of drinking my meal (except for breakfast and on those rare days where I don’t feel like chewing) because most times it’s quite simply not as fulfilling. 
    With that being said I thought I’d share a few foodie tips and tricks that I find help me keep my 100lbs off. Keep in mind some of the things I say you already know, but it doesn’t hurt to be reminded. To start  let’s just be honest, most “healthy” eating is no fun and if God truly intended for us to only eat fruits , veggies, roots, and berries then we’d all be sporting a pair of bunny ears. In addition eating healthy can be costly.  That however doesn’t mean that everything we consume should be deep fried, covered in sugar and topped with ice cream yumm – Sorry I had a fair funnel cake flashback…. But you all get the point. First and foremost portion control portion control portion control is the real key to changing how you eat. We all know we live in a SUPERSIZED society where portions are extra-large and full of extra calories. It is important for you to know what appropriate portions sizes are, and begin to practice eating that way for longevity.
  Secondly reading is fundamental! It may seem crazy or unreasonable but counting calories, fat and carbs does work in your favor. I read just about everything I purchase and sometimes the information on the package is my motivation to put the product back on the shelf. Remember it only takes 3500 calories to gain one pound and a helluva lot more work to lose that suckka.
      Another way I stay on track is COOKING, what a nutty concept right? In this day in age it’s a microwave semi homemade world with lots of short cuts that hinder the quality of the meal. I myself am not IN LOVE with cooking, but I do however LOVE to eat (did I say that already?) and I like good, fresh food. The best way to accomplish that is cooking right in your own kitchen.  The up side to home cooking is that you can pretty much create the very thing you crave right in your own home. Whether it be pizza, Chinese, Mexican, or burgers you can have an awesome more health conscious version by cooking things yourself. In addition you can make so many substitutions in order to make your meal into a healthier version of what you crave. Tricks like using reduced fat chesses, sour creams, leaner meats, and more veggies can all improve a dish and its health quotient.
    Snacking is a huge obstacle for many. The meals maybe easy but when it comes to snacking you do it ALL the time right? Listen snacking is absolutely okay, but choosing the right types of snacks is the key to helping or hurting your weight loss. I don’t have to preach to you that chips, cookies and candy probably don’t make the cut but there are a plethora of healthy alternatives that can be found in crackers, nuts, veggies and fruits.  My advice don’t get caught up in the 100 calorie traps (yes yes I know, don’t make faces) they are designed to deliver just enough of something to calm your craving, but are not filling and more often than not you end up eating more than one right? 100 calories can add up pretty quickly so aim for snacks that have staying power. The ones that calm cravings and get you to your next full meal are best.
Shopping can be a major hindrance to progress especially if you are on a budget. Have no fear most stores are now offering healthier options at lower prices. Utilize coupons and if you can and check out budget stores in your area that now have started carrying fresh produce and healthy options.  Out here in California one of my favorite places to stock up is the 99 cents only store. Occasionally I’ll catch an item I’ve never seen in my local grocery (like brown tomatoes yummers!) and I keep my cost down.  Check sale papers make a list and keep fresh and healthy food stocked. That is of utmost importance simply because when we don’t we tend to look elsewhere for our food options and often times end up choosing something quick and loaded with things that are of no benefit to us.
    Ultimately it takes discipline to stick to ANYTHING you plan to accomplish, especially with staying on track. Trust and believe I fall off all the time, but I make sure I regroup and get it back together. I do not I repeat DO NOT believe in deprivation. When we deprive ourselves we end up over indulging to make up for what we feel we’ve missed (sick isn’t it). I eat what I want in moderation and I try to resist temptations. Sometimes that involves putting a candy bar in the freezer for a later date, throwing tempting items in the trash or giving them away, respectfully declining coworker induced donut breakfasts, and knowing your temptation triggers.  It is HARD as hell but it’s possible.  I myself am currently off sugary sweets (candy, baked goods, ice cream etc.) for the next few weeks in an attempt to divorce sugar and all his punk ass buddies. If I get an intense craving I’ll attempt to pacify it with other options (cereal, yogurt, fruit, and smoothies) but I won’t be derivative. I’ll utilize moderation and hit the gym hard to rectify any moments of weakness LOL.  I’ve also committed to increasing my water intake and decreasing my liquor consumption.  Be dedicated to whatever choice you make to be healthy, I still get frustrated with my progress, but I’m aware that it’s totally up to me how far I go with this journey.  How about you? How do you stay on track? Fight Temptation? Feel free to share! Next week I will be sharing a couple of recipes for my favorite fast food substitutes. 
 Until next time my loves …Beauty, Lace and a Slimmer Waist.
Got a comment or a question?  Leave it here or hit me up:

1 comment:

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